100% Return: If the product was shipped in our error by Siani or if the product was deemed defective. We want you to be 100% satisifed with our products, so we will work with you to make it right.

How soon will I get my refund?
Once your items are inspected by the store, you’ll get your refund typically within 5-10 business.

Is it easy to return items?
Once your return is approved, you’ll receive step-by-step instructions and in some cases a prepaid shipping label via email.

What items are returnable?
Items unopened and purchased in the last 90 days.

What items are non-refundable?
Items marked as final sale.
Free gifts or promotional items with retail value.
Partially used items, unless they are deemed defective.

How soon will I get my refund?
Please allow 5-10 business days for your refund to reflect.

If I changed my mind, am I charged anything for a return?
If you changed your mind and the order was placed via Google Shopping, you will be charged $5.50.